Using discussions is a great way to provide asynchronous conversation between students. They are a great way to build your online community, assess student understanding of course material, create a private journal or blog space, and collect learner feedback.

There are three elements of Discussions:

  • Forum: This is required for discussions and acts as containers, or folders, for different conversations in the course. Nothing can be written at the Forum level.
  • Topic: This provides instructions and is where the conversation lives. A Topic can inherit settings from a Forum or can be set independently.
  • Thread/Reply: This is the conversation in action. Learners create threads based on the topics and interact with the materials, peers, and instructor.


Create a Discussion Forum
  1. Select the course in which you would like to create a Discussion Forum. On that course homepage, click on Course Tools then Course Admin.
  1. On the Course Administration page, click on Discussions.
  1. On the Discussions page, click on the New drop-down, then click on New Forum.
  1. Enter the title of the new forum and select if you want to create a topic with the same title. Add a description to the forum and select the desired options. Once complete click Save and Close.\
  1. The new Forum will now appear on the Discussions page.
Create a Discussion Topic
  1. After creating a new forum (instructions above) you can easily add a topic by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the forum name and then clicking Add Topic.
  1. Alternatively, Select the course in which you would like to create a discussion. On that course homepage, click on Content.
  1. Once on the content page, select the module in the left column to which you want to add a Discussion. Click on Upload/Create, then in the drop-down, select New Discussion.
  1. On the New Topic page enter the title of the topic.
  1. When creating a topic this way, a Forum is automatically created with that topic title, but you also have the option to add it to an existing forum or create a new forum with a different name. Click Change Forum, then select if you want to create a new forum for the topic or add it to an existing forum. Click Apply Changes.
  1. Select if the Discussion Topic will appear in the gradebook and, if so, how many points it is worth. Add a topic description. If you want the topic to be immediately available to students, be sure to click the eye toggle that says hidden and when ready click Save and Close.
  1. The Discussion Topic is now created. Click Start a New Thread to start a conversation with your students.

Additional Resources