Copy Course Content From Another Course
- Navigate to the destination course, click Course Tools and select Course Admin.

- On the Course Admin page, under Site Resources, click Import/Export/Copy Components.

- To search for the Source course, click on the grey ‘Search for offering’ button.

- In the Select Course Offering pop-up window, enter a search term (“20241” to search for spring 2024 courses) in the search bar and click Search to display the possible course.

- Select the Source course and scroll to the bottom of the page.

- Click add selected button.

- If you want to copy the entire course, select Copy All Components or if you would only like to copy parts of the course, Select Components.

- If you want to offset all dates in a course, check the box and enter the date info. Click Finish to complete items copied.

Import Course Template From Zip File
- Navigate to the destination course, click Course Tools and select Course Admin from the dropdown menu.

- On the Course Admin page, under Site Resources, click Import/Export/Copy Components.

- Click Import Components.

- Click Start.

- Click Upload and select your course template zip file from the list.

- Click Import All Components.

Things to consider:
- Copying into a course does not replace any current content, it adds to current content.
- When you copy a course it will copy the homepage layout as well.
- If you copy any Intelligent Agents, they will be disabled in the destination course. The instructor will have to go into Intelligent Agents and enable them.
- If you copy individual tool items (i.e., Assignments, Discussions, etc.) without also copying the grades at the same time the items will not be linked to a grade item in the gradebook. It will have to be linked manually afterwards.
- If you copy individual content items from nested folders (an item within a folder within a folder), all the nested folders will be copied to the destination course along with the content item. Instructors will need to manually move the content items and delete nested folders afterwards.
- You can also access the course copy menu by navigating to the destination course and click Content->Table of Contents->Import Course-Copy Existing Course.