Domain Admins support individual schools, departments, and units within the Brightspace platform. This role allows a designated individual to manage courses, organizations, and users at the school level.
Domain Admins are designated by unit Deans for the entire school or specific departments. Domain Admins must complete USC FERPA training, attend onboarding training with a USC Brightspace system administrator, and agree to the expectations outlined on this page before receiving Domain Admin access. If your unit does not have a Domain Admin and requires Domain Admin support, please contact If your unit Dean wants to designate a new Domain Admin, please reference the Process for Domain Admin Approval.
There are two designations of the Domain Admin role:
- Domain Admin (DA)
- Domain Admin+ (DA+)
Both roles share the same permissions and responsibilities, with DA+ having the elevated ability to conduct Bulk Enrollment for non-SIS non-academic courses and create sandboxes for instructors and TAs within the unit.
As part of their essential role within Brightspace, DA and DA+ roles participate in the following:
- Complete the initial required DA Brightspace Training with a USC Brightspace system administrator.
- Participate in regular meetings to discuss updates to the system, changes to support resources, new tools, and best practices.
- Support unit faculty/instructors in Brightspace with the items listed under Permissions based on unit or department needs. Domain Admin contact information will be listed on the USC Brightspace helpsite as a resource for unit instructors.
- Report back to the LMS team with needed functionality and issues.
The table below provides an overview of capabilities for DA and DA+ roles in the Brightspace platform: