Third-party tools or LTIs in Brightspace provide additional functionality for courses within the platform. The tools available for USC usage have been categorized, and provide features for:
- Accessibility: Support ADA needs and provide feedback to make courses more accessible
- Annotation: Provide collaborative spaces for students to interact with course content
- Assessment: Assist with grading, plagiarism, quizzes, and labs
- Collaboration: Create platforms for additional student collaboration
- Course Admin: Provide additional instructor support for course management tasks
- Library Tools: Allows for direct course integration with the USC library systems
- Multimedia: Provide options for multimedia sharing and usage within a course
- Polling: Allow for live course-wide polling and quizzing
- Productivity: Create a platform for real-time collaboration and sharing
- Publisher Content: Access and share publisher content and additional online course materials
The tools in the list below have already been vetted or are in the process of being vetted for usage in Brightspace. Status indicates if a tool is Available and ready to enable, Under Production and available soon, or a New Request and under review for future availability. The integration location indicates if a tool is available campus-wide or contracted for specific schools.
Third-Party Tool Support
If a tool is campus-wide and listed with the status of Available it is ready to use and can be integrated by an instructor. Help guides for integrating each LTI are available here in the Third Party Tools section.
If a tool is listed as Available and contracted for specific schools, instructors within those schools can enable them in their Brightspace course. For support with a school-specific tool, reach out to the listed contact.
If a tool is not currently listed and you would like it to be vetted, request it using this form.
If you have issues with an enabled tool, please get in touch with or your school’s administrator, as outlined in the Third-Party Tool Overview.
The list below can be filtered by clicking the drop-down arrows next to the column title.
*Please get in touch with the listed school’s point of contact for the enablement guide.
Included LTIs: Akindi, Ally, ARES, Bongo, Cengage, Codio, Ed Discussion, Examsoft, Explorance, Google Drive, Gradescope, H5P, Labster, MacMillan Learning, McGraw-Hill Connect, myBusinessCourse, MyOpenMath, Norton, OneDrive, Padlet, Panopto, Pearson, Peerceptiv, Perusall, Piazza, PlayPosit, Poll Everywhere, Qwickly Attendance, Qwickly Course Tools, Respondus, SAGE, Simple Syllabus, Top Hat, Turnitin, Vocareum, VoiceThread, WileyPLUS, Zoom