Ally makes course content accessible. It checks for accessibility issues and generates alternative formats, guides instructors on how to improve their course content, and provides institutional wide reporting on content accessibility.

This guide is also available as a downloadable PDF.


When creating content in your course you will notice icons to the right of the assignment names. These icons give students access to auto-generated alternative content and an indication on the accessibility of their content. 

By clicking on the A↓, users will be able to download alternative formats of the content. These alternative formats are automatically generated. The instructor doesn’t do that.  

By clicking on the colored gauge, which is only visible to instructors, users will be able to see what accessibility issues the content item may have and, in some cases, will allow the user to fix the issue. However, most accessibility issues will need to be fixed outside of Brightspace.

Running Reports

Instructors have access to a reporting system that gives an entire course view into their accessibility. To access these reports, follow these steps:

  1. From your course Nav Bar, select Course Tools and click Ally Report.
  1. On this page instructors will see a course report, along with an accessibility score. Instructors can click through to view elements of their course content and obtain insight to alternative approaches for that instructor to improve the accessibility of their content. 

Additional Resources

For the best user experience, please ensure you’re using the most up-to-date version of one of Brightspace’s supported browsers. If browser-related issues occur, report the issue to D2L to receive technical support.