Instructors can change branding elements. USC Brightspace branding can be adjusted by editing two templates: 

  • Navbar Template, which is used to: 
    • Select the logo, accent color and  navbar color based on available themes
    • Modify navbar layout  
  • Homepage Template, which is used to: 
    • Adjust the layout of homepage widgets 

All used navbar and homepage templates remain in Brightspace unless manually deleted. When an instructor changes the widget layout, the system saves a new homepage template.  

Note: For design consistency, the selection of the logo, accent color, and navbar color is limited to the existing options stored within the designated theme. These elements have been carefully curated to maintain brand identity and uphold visual coherence across our platform. Should you require further changes, please reach out to your unit’s Domain admin or LMS Replacement.

Instructions for Branding

Change the Navbar Template
  1. Go to course home page and Select Manage All Course Navbars as shown below.
  1. Use the active navbar dropdown to select the the saved theme you would like to apply.
  1. Select Apply to implement the navbar template, this will implement the saved logo, navbar color, navbar layout and accent color.
Change the Homepage Template
  1. Navigate to the course home page and scroll to the bottom left of the webpage to select Manage Homepage, as shown below.
  1. Select the desired homepage template to change the layout of the widgets, then select Apply to implement changes to the homepage layout.