End of semester course evaluations are not managed by the Brightspace at USC team. Brightspace simply serves as a portal to the Course Evaluations system. Questions regarding course evaluations should be directed to courseevals@usc.edu.
Instructors and TAs
The learning experience evaluations are available online. Faculty and students can access their evaluations via email for Brightspace.
- To access evaluations by email, faculty should log in to their USC email address and search for an email from c-evals@usc.edu with the “Learning Experience” subject line. Faculty may want to flag or save this email so they can easily access their links throughout the semester. The links also display response rates and allow faculty to send students email reminders.
- You can also access your evaluations via Brightspace. Each course listed will link to a dashboard displaying the current student response rate and submission deadline. If none of your courses are currently available for student evaluation, no links will be displayed.
Importantly, a course does not need to be on Brightspace to be evaluated. If your course is not on Brightspace, course evaluations, along with student response rates and deadlines, will be available only via email.
Accessing End-of-Semester Reports
Learning experience evaluation reposts are distributed at the end of the semester after all grades have been posted. You will receive an email from c-evals@usc.edu with a link to your available reports. As a rule of thumb, if you do not receive your reports after two weeks from the end date of your evaluation, you should contact c-evals@usc.edu for help. In your email, please send the five-digit section number of the course with a missing report. While the reports are available online, faculty are encouraged to download the PDF version of their reports.
Faculty can access historical reports (from fall 2013 onward) by looking for their reports in Brightspace. Additionally, current or previous reports can be accessed through previous emails or their department. The Office of Institutional Research distributes all faculty reports to their respective departments at the end of the semester. If faculty are looking for reports generated prior to fall 2013, they should email a request to c-evals@usc.edu referencing the semesters and courses they would like reports for.
To access your evaluation reports via Brightspace:
- Select the course you would like to create the report for. On that course page click on ‘Course Tools’ then ‘Course Evaluation Reports.’

- You will see a list with the current and all previous reports for the course. Click the link for the report you would like to access, to open or download the PDF.

On the evaluation date, you should access your evaluation form by following a link embedded in and email from c-evals@usc.edu. Alternatively, you can access the evaluation in Brightspace:
- Navigate to your Brightspace Homepage (your landing page when you log onto Brightspace) and click on Course Evaluation under the Tools menu on the Nav Bar. This will open the Course Evaluations Portal.

- In the course evaluations portal, a list of possible course evaluations will be displayed for learners registered to the course through the student information system (SIS). Click on the course you wish to evaluate.

- Once the course to be evaluated is selected, learners will see the following image to begin the course evaluation.