Brightspace allows you to easily manage your grade book within the platform. Use the Enter Grades tab to view all learner grades, grade categories, and grade items. From this tab, Instructors can assess and evaluate grades, as well as import and export grade books.
Enter Grades
- From the course homepage, click My Grades then Grades.
- Check that you are on the Enter Grades tab and in spreadsheet view by clicking the grey Spreadsheet view button. You can then choose to view and enter grades by User, Groups, or Sections. Click Apply.
- From the selected view you can scroll through the assignments and directly enter scores into the empty boxes. Any Assignments, Quizzes, or Discussions that were linked to the gradebook and evaluated should have an auto-populated score shown. There is also the option to:
- Enter grades for an individual user by clicking on their username.
- Enter grades by assignment by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the assignment name, then click Enter Grades.
Once grades are entered, click Save at the bottom of the page.
Import Grades
- From the course homepage, click My Grades then Grades.
- Check that you are on the Enter Grades tab, then click Import.
- On the Import Grades page:
- Ensure your grades are ready for import using the Grades_Sample_Import_File CSV file.
- Once ready click Choose File and, in the pop-up, select the CSV file that includes the grades for import.
- Select the Item Creation check box if you would like to create a new grade item when an unrecognized item is found. Note: This is not recommended. It is recommended that all grade items in the spreadsheet be created in Brightspace prior to uploading the grades.
- Once ready, click Continue to start the guided steps through the import process.