Brightspace provides the ability to add an extra credit assignment or add extra credit to an existing assignment. The platform uses the terms “Bonus” or “Can Exceed” for extra credit items. You can make a Grade Item a bonus item (extra credit) from the Grades tool.
Extra Credit Instructions
Add Extra Credit to an Assignment
- To set-up extra credit for an assignment, on the course homepage, click ‘Grades’ under the ‘My Grades’ dropdown.
- Select ‘Manage Grades’ and then either select the assignment for extra credit or create a new assignment that will include extra credit.
- Under Grading, check the ‘Can Exceed’ box, then Save and Close. This will allow additional points to be granted on the item.
Create an Extra Credit Assignment
- To create an extra credit assignment, on the course homepage, click on ‘My Grades’ and then ‘Grades.’
- Click on ‘Manage Grades,’ then click on ‘New’ and select ‘Item’ from the dropdown.
- On the New Item screen, click on ‘Numeric’ for the Grade Item Type.
- Add a name for your grade item and the point value for the bonus item (total amount of bonus points students can receive). Check the box for ‘Bonus,’ then click ‘Save and Close.’