As an alternative option to impersonating a test student, View as a Learner can be utilized to submit and practice grading an assignment. To submit and practice grading a quiz, please refer to instructions on how to use Activity Preview for Quizzes

  1. In your course, select View as Learner.

  2. On the Navbar, select Activities and click Assignments.

  3. Click on the desired assignment and proceed with the assignment submission. 

  4. Once the assignment has been submitted you can stop Viewing as Learner. 

  5. On the Navbar, navigate back to Activities and select Assignments and click on the assignment where you made the submission.

  6. Select the Submission Tab

  7. Click on your assignment submission that you made.

  8. Proceed with evaluation. Fill out any attached rubrics, provide feedback, and complete any desired markup in the submitted assignment file. 

  9. Click Update
  10. When done you can select Back to Submissions in the top left. 

Please Note: The evaluation is not recorded to any gradebook as the instructor account cannot be evaluated.