In Brightspace, you will have two versions of Turnitin available: version V2 (new) & LTI1.3 (old). V2 is the recommended version of Turnitin. V2 is easier to use with Brightspace’s assignment workflow and it allows for plagiarism checks as well as the opportunity to provide feedback. LTI 1.3 should only be used if you need to use PeerMark or if you would like the ability to submit a paper on behalf of another student. A full breakdown of capabilities for each version can be found here. 

Please Note: Turnitin no longer provides the AI detection tool in Blackboard or Brightspace. The Turnitin AI detection tool previously available in Blackboard was temporary. The issue of AI detection tools is still a work in progress with the Office of Academic Integrity and updates will be provided when available.

Instructions for Turnitin V2 (New) and LTI 1.3 (Old)

Add Turnitin to a Brightspace Assignment

Turnitin V2 (New): Recommended Method

  1. On your course homepage, click on ‘Activities’ and then click on ‘Assignments.’
  1. On the Assignments page:
    1. Create a new assignment by clicking ‘New Assignment’, or
    2. Edit an assignment by clicking the drop-down menu on the right of the assignment title and then clicking ‘Edit Assignment.
  1. From your Brightspace Assignment Edit Screen, under Evaluation and Feedback, click on Manage Turnitin. This will open the Turnitin v2 integration.
  1. Set your desired settings for Turnitin. Click the blue Save button when done. This will return you to the assignment setup screen.
    1. Check the ‘Enable Similarity Report for this folder’ option to check for similarity.
    2. Check the ‘Enable Online Grading for this folder’ to grade using Turnitin. If you do not check this option, you must grade the submission through Brightspace.
    3. Clicking the grey ‘More Options’ button at the bottom of the pop-up will allow you to access the standard Turnitin optional settings.
  1. Complete the rest of the Brightspace assignment options, then click the blue ‘Save and Close’ button at the bottom of the screen.
  1. A Brightspace assignment with Turnitin has been added to your course. Students will submit their submissions as a standard Brightspace assignment.

Turnitin LTI 1.3 (Old): Recommended only for PeerMark usage or the need to submit on behalf of a student

  1. Navigate to your course Nav Bar and click ‘Content’.
  1. Navigate to the desired module, click on the ‘Existing Activities’ dropdown, and select ‘Turnitin’. This will open the Turnitin tool.
  1. Input a title, description, and desired timeline information, and select ‘Optional Settings’ if you want to review additional settings. After you have included the details, click ‘Submit’.
  1. Your new Turnitin assignment is now in your module.
Student Submission to Brightspace Assignments

Turnitin V2 (New):

  1. In the student Nav Bar, click ‘Activities,’ then ‘Assignments.’ On the Assignments page, click on an assignment to open the student submission page.
  1. Students can click the ‘upload’ button to select a file to upload to Turnitin. The selected file will show up under the upload button, and the student can click the blue ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen.
  1. A successful confirmation will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Turnitin LTI1.3 (Old):

  1. From your course Nav Bar, click ‘Content’, navigate to the module with the Turnitin assignment, and click on it.
  1. Review the Turnitin End-User License Agreement and select ‘I Agree’ or ‘I Disagree.’
  1. Review the assignment Instructions and click the blue ‘Upload Submission’ button to submit your assignment.
  1. Fill in the submission title, choose your file, and add any additional text under ‘Text Input’, if required. When completed, click ‘Upload and Review’.
  1. Take a moment to review your submission and click ‘Submit to Turnitin’.
  1. You will receive a digital receipt if you have successfully submitted your Turnitin submission.
  1. Download and view the digital receipt. If you do not have a digital receipt, you did not submit any files to Turnitin.
Grading Turnitin Assignments

Turnitin V2 (New): A benefit of using the Turnitin V2 integration is that your assignments will appear in your Quick Eval area.

  1. Instructors can click on the assignment in your Quick Eval area to open the submission.
  1. Instructors will see the similarity score, which can be clicked on to open the Turnitin Feedback Studio.
  1. In the Turnitin Feedback Studio, instructors can use QuickMarks and add a grade to the submission in the upper right corner of the screen.  Scores and feedback will be automatically passed to Brightspace. Other submissions can be accessed by clicking the arrows to the score’s right.
  1. To complete the grading process, click the blue ‘Publish’ button at the bottom of the screen. If this is not done, the students won’t be able to see their grades and feedback.

Turnitin LTI 1.3 (Old):

  1. Navigate to the Turnitin assignment you created and click on the assignment title to open the assignment inbox.
  1. Click on the student submission (below the Paper Title or the pencil under Grade) you wish to grade. This will open the Turnitin Feedback Studio.
  1. Grade the paper as usual with the Turnitin Feedback Studio.
  1. Once you finish grading the assignment, you can use the arrows in the upper right corner of the screen to navigate to the next student or close the feedback studio window. Note: Turnitin LTI 1.3 and Brightspace are two separate systems, and the grade for Turnitin might not be immediately reflected in Brightspace.

Additional Resources

For the best user experience, please ensure you’re using the most up-to-date version of one of Brightspace’s supported browsers. If browser-related issues occur, report the issue to D2L to receive technical support.