If this widget does not appear on the course homepage, use the Add Widgets to a Course Homepage guide to add it.

Create an Announcement with the Slim Announcement Widget
  1. Once the widget has been added to your homepage, navigate to the Slim Announcement widget on the course homepage and click New Announcement.
  1. This takes you to the Announcements page. From this point, the steps are identical to those in the Create Announcements guide.
Configure the Look of the Slim Announcement Widget
  1. Once the widget has been added to your homepage, navigate to the Slim Announcement widget on the course homepage, click the dropdown arrow, and select Configure this widget from the list.
  1. The following aspects can be adjusted:
    1. The default image for announcements. Click Manage Files to select a default image for announcements. Note: Announcements with their own images will override the default image.
    2. The number of announcements displayed at one time. Type the number of announcements you’d like displayed in the field.
    3. This checkbox can be disregarded at this time as there are no pinned announcements.
  1. After making changes, click Save.