Please note: The Turnitin AI detection tool that was available in Blackboard was a temporary functionality that Turnitin had rolled out and made available to USC for a short time. Turnitin has now reverted this functionality and it is no longer available in Blackboard or Brightspace. The issue of procuring or moving forward with AI detection tools is a broader issue that will likely need to be driven by the office of Academic Integrity and is not a decision the program will be able to make.

Instructors can view the Originality Reports completed for submitted papers by accessing the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.

Navigate to Content on your Navbar, select the module for the course that contains the assignment you wish to view and click the assignment you wish to evaluate. 

The color of the report icon in the report column indicates the overall similarity index of the paper, based on the amount of matching or similar text that was uncovered. The percentage range is 0% to 100%:

  • Blue – no matching text
  • Green – one word to 24% matching text
  • Yellow – 25-49% matching text
  • Orange – 50-74% matching text
  • Red -75-100% matching text

Please note that these indices do not reflect USC’s or Turnitin’s assessment of whether a paper has or has not been plagiarized. Originality Reports are simply a tool to help an instructor find sources that contain text similar to submitted papers. The decision to deem any work plagiarized must be made carefully, and only after in-depth examination of both the submitted paper and suspect sources in accordance with the standards of the class and institution where the paper was submitted. 

In the report column, click one of the color-coded report icons to open that particular paper’s Originality Report.

The Originality Report is separated into three main areas in the default view. These default areas are:

  • Paper Information – the top of the report page shows information about the submitted paper. This includes the paper title, the submitting student’s name, and the Similarity Index
  • Paper Text – the left column of the report page shows the originally formatted, submitted paper. Matching text is highlighted in a color that corresponds to the matching source listed on the right side of the Originality Report
  • Matching Source – the right column of the report page shows the list of matching sources for the highlighted areas of the paper text to the left.

For information about USC’s policies on behavior violating University standards and the appropriate sanctions, visit