Please note: The Turnitin AI detection tool that was available in Blackboard was a temporary functionality that Turnitin had rolled out and made available to USC for a short time. Turnitin has now reverted this functionality and it is no longer available in Blackboard or Brightspace. The issue of procuring or moving forward with AI detection tools is a broader issue that will likely need to be driven by the office of Academic Integrity and is not a decision the program will be able to make.

Turnitin gives instructors an Assignment Inbox where all student submissions are listed and can be graded. To access the assignment inbox of Turnitin, simply click on the Turnitin assignment in your Brightspace course or in the Needs Grading area of the Brightspace grade center. Your student submissions will be listed in the assignment inbox and to grade them click on either the paper title or the pencil in the grade column. 

Please view the videos below to see how to grade and provide various types of feedback to students using Turnitin’s Feedback Studio.

How to Use Commenting Tools
How to Use QuickMarks
How to Use Voice Comments
How to Use Rubrics and Grading Forms, Part 1
How to Use Rubrics and Grading Forms, Part 2