Domain Admin+ (DA+) are the only users with the ability to create sandboxes. DA+ oversee processing any faculty or TA sandbox creation requests for their school or department. A sandbox course is a blank course available for practicing building content and is a safe space for a user to familiarize themselves with Brightspace. Students should never be added to these sandbox courses, as they are not tied to the Registrar’s SIS system and grades cannot be issued. Please Note: You cannot delete a sandbox after it is created.

Instructions on creating Sandbox Courses

Access the Sandbox Creation by first navigating to your school homepage. Go to the My Org Units widget in your USC homepage. Click on School and then click your school’s name, which takes you to your school homepage.

Once on your school homepage, find the Create Sandbox widget and click ‘Get Started’ to begin creating the new sandbox:

Once you click ‘Get Started’ you’ll be directed to the sandbox naming screen. Select your department from the drop-down.

Note: If you select the incorrect department, that sandbox will be accessible by that department’s Domain Admins and will be tagged to that department, so be sure to double check this is accurate. If you are unsure of your school/department naming conventions, please reach out to ITS.

Note: The sandbox will reflect the branding for the selected department. It may initially show up as a standard course until the branding rule runs 8am and 2pm.

Enter the Sandbox Name, double-check the Department then click ‘Next‘.

Confirm the details you’ve entered and click ‘Create Course’ to run the Sandbox creation process.

Note: It is important to double check that the selected department is correct before creating the course as this cannot be easily undone. If you have incorrectly created a sandbox, please open a ticket by emailing

Once the Sandbox course is created, you can select ‘Go to classlist’ to add any instructors as a non-SIS instructor. Learn more by following these instructions.